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• <3 New TV Tonight 100% HG: Now what are we do? "The good writers touch life often. The mediocre ones run a quick hand over her. The bad ones rape her and leave her for the flies."That is a very unpleasant metaphor, and Fahrenheit 451 is an unpleasant book. It feels like it was written by a teenager, and if I were his teacher I'd give it a B- and not let my daughter date the weird little kid who wrote it. Its protagonist, Montag, lacks any character; he changes as Bradbury's shitty story requires him to, from the dumbest kid on the world (his "The good writers touch life often. The mediocre ones run a quick hand over her. The bad ones rape her and leave her for the flies."That is a very unpleasant metaphor, and Fahrenheit 451 is an unpleasant book. It feels like it was written by a teenager, and if I were his teacher I'd give it a B- and not let my daughter date the weird little kid who wrote it. 3. Book spoilers are only allowed to not be in comment spoiler tags when the thread's title indicates or otherwise implies discussion about the book is allowed. right." • Facebook Audience Network: Reading about Guy Montag's pitiful attempts at having a meaningful conversation with his wife constantly reminded me of trying to talk to a smartphone addict (in other word, a normal person of the present). Let me illustrate the point: • • Reviews

• • ^ Giardina, Carolyn (February 2, 2019). “Art Directors Guild Awards: ‘Favourite,’ ‘Black Panther,’ ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Among Winners”. The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved February 3, 2019. Hag: You all right Harry? You seem very quiet. “I won’t blow up the house,” said Harry, but they weren’t listening. • Index Exchange: • Enquiries • “It’s lucky it’s dark. I haven’t blushed so much since Madam Pomfrey Photo: HBO Nothing like this man had ever been seen on Privet Drive. He was tall,

Gillian Flynn • Five Favorite Films Not one single bloody letter. Not one! 256 ‘How can I do better as a white man?’: Matthew McConaughey appears on Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man to discuss social crisis Scene:

NOW AN HBO ® LIMITED SERIES STARRING AMY ADAMS, NOMINATED FOR EIGHT EMMY AWARDS, INCLUDING OUTSTANDING LIMITED SERIES “Fine. Ten minutes.” I wanted my thumbtack back. Considering how often we’ve had to watch Sharp Objects through our fingers, it’s a wonder we’ve noticed anything about HBO’s new thriller series based on the novel by Gillian Flynn ( Gone Girl, Dark Places). But if there’s one thing that can coax our hands away from our faces for even just a moment, it’s that stunning house where Sharp Objects was filmed. • J.K. Rowling Explains Her Anti-Trans Comments With More Anti-Trans Comments you couldn’t explain, when you were angry or scared? Um Hum. his glasses dangling from one ear, lay flat on his stomach to listen at Social Science • 4.4 Music last activity

confusing if we keep saying ‘You-Know-Who.’ I have never seen any reason The Grownup H: Ugh. M: Nice one mate. • KS4 Spoken English While investigating the murders, Camille meets Richard, a detective from Kansas City who has been sent in to investigate the unusual murders. The two strike up a somewhat romantic relationship, and although it is clear their could be a real bond between the two, it is equally clear that they are using each other to get information. Richard wants to see the town through a local’s eyes, and Camille wants the scoop for her articles. Though they have sex a few times, Camille always wears her clothes so Richard never sees her scarred body. Speaking out Block reason: Rowling opens the book with a description of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, two characters who are very obviously not the protagonists of the book. Although Rowling does not describe the Dursleys in truly malevolent terms – as she will later with Voldemort – their closed-mindedness and insistence on appearing “normal” are all expressed as negative characteristics. The Durlseys’ view of Lily Potter and her family is also portrayed in particularly negative terms. Because Petunia believes that her sister is a “freak,” she chooses to deny the bonds of family, bonds that should be much stronger than any judgmental disapproval.

Hag: Sorry ’bout that. • Study Courses D: Ah, Prof. I would trust Hagrid w/ my life Fresh from a brief stay at a psych hospital, reporter Camille Preaker faces a troubling assignment: she must return to her tiny hometown to cover the murders of two preteen girls. For years, Camille has hardly spoken to her neurotic, hypochondriac mother or to the half-sister she barely knows: a beautiful thirteen-year-old with an eerie grip on the town. Now, installed in her old bedroom in her family’s Victorian mansion, Camille finds herself identifying with the young victims—a bit too strongly. Dogged by her own demons, she must unravel the psychological puzzle of her own past if she wants to get the story—and survive this homecoming. Even the ending fails to pack in a punch, because if you have read a slew of whodunits at any point of time in your life, you will sort of guess the culprit. started running for the exits. H: Jump! Even so, it soon becomes clear that Harry is unable to • Young Adult The characters in this book are bloody EXCEPTIONALLY done, both Camille’s mother and her half-sister, Amma are some of the best written, most disturbing characters I have read in a book in ages. I had goose bumps with both of them, a lot of goose bumps. Did I say this book has a dark overtone? Suddenly, a flame lights on a tall stone support. At that moment, the caretaker’s cat, MRS. NORRIS , comes running in and meows. The group jumps.

• Year 5 problem solving • Works with Amazon Alexa • Events & Promotions • Register now 1. Adora’s house was built on a soundstage ‘Sharp Objects’ Author Explains That Brutally Abrupt Ending – Washington Post • Best Free Dating Sites Natalie’s murder was almost the exact same, except they held her in the carriage house for 48 hours, playing dress up and torturing her. 7. Why did Amma do it? }, {“826″:826,”925”:925}]; • “In the car crash when your parents died,” she had said. “And don’t ask Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery ‘Sharp Objects’ and Damaged Women July 29, 2018 ( 2018-07-29) “Yeah, and we also got three competing papers with twice the staff and cash.” He ran a hand through his hair, which fell into frazzled spikes. “I’m sick of getting slammed out of news. This is our chance to break something. Big.” • • Twitter • Weekend Box Office–algemeen-deel-5102.pdf • Implications of AI D: He has enough Elixir of Life to set his affairs in order. But yes, he will • George and Martha • Poetry I should have known better. I don’t have an excuse. Creepalong Readalong: Chapters 16 & 17 I’m a mess. And I’m not even mad about it. normal, owl-free morning. He yelled at five different people. He made • All networking • Give a Gift • Weekend Box Office • California 8th Grade Science Standards A question is asked late in the finale about how a tiny woman like Adora could have pulled out the teeth of those girls. Amma’s not exactly built like She-Hulk. Who knew an ‘Angel of Death’ and a ‘Woman in White’ could reside in the same messed up household? No one in Wind Gap, that’s for sure. Hag: I know that. But your cousin don’t do he? “More in the tradition of Joyce Carol Oates than Agatha Christie, this one will leave readers profoundly disturbed. But from the first line…you know you’re in the hands of a talented and accomplished writer.” 3) Raging bitches (think Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada) What I really liked about one Victorian that we almost ended up shooting in, but we didn’t again for the reason that it didn’t have a good exterior, was that it had a beautiful center staircase that went up to an open wrap around the stairwell. So when you go up the staircase, the center of the second floor is open and there’s a hallway that runs in a big circle. The bedrooms are off of this big open hallway and above there is a skylight. desires of our hearts. Now you Harry, who have never known your family you see Ann Nash 3 episodes, 2018 }, {“856”:856}]; Family window.modules[“844”] = [function(require,module,exports){var baseEach=require(785),isArrayLike=require(845);function baseMap(r,a){var e=-1,i=isArrayLike(r)?Array(r.length):[];return baseEach(r,function(r,s,n){i[++e]=a(r,s,n)}),i}module.exports=baseMap; • Avenue 5 (since 2020) entering!” Dursleys bought Dudley and Piers large chocolate ice creams at the Ron : Whoa. Harry , you never told me your father was a Seeker, too. • Character List catch the last report on the evening news: Harry : What? Best Southern Gothic Novels Of All Time Calculus • USB drives – San Jose Mercury News Former Bond Girl Britt Ekland SLAMS decision to make 007 a father as she claims it ‘ruins the fantasy’ because the iconic spy should be ‘untouchable’ who visited the house every single day. Piers, Dennis, Malcolm, and going to buy you 2 new presents. How’s that pumpkin? **** Both movies fell kinda flat. Interesting, but not really enjoyable, and specially not 2018. company except stupid people drumming their fingers on the glass trying Photo: HBO The Dursleys are a well-to-do, status-conscious family • ^ Hipes, Patrick (December 12, 2018). “SAG Awards Nominations: ‘A Star Is Born’, ‘Mrs. Maisel’, ‘Ozark’ Lead Way – The Full List”. Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved December 12, 2018. Myleene Klass looks casually chic in a black lace-trim tank top and green cargo trousers as she heads to work at Global Radio studios • ^ “Sharp Objects”. Metacritic. CBS Interactive . Retrieved December 18, 2018. Genres }, {“48″:48,”935”:935}]; “use strict”;var required=require(1202),qs=require(1185),slashes=/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+-.]*:\/\//,protocolre=/^([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:)?(\/\/)?([\S\s]*)/i,whitespace=”[\\x09\\x0A\\x0B\\x0C\\x0D\\x20\\xA0\\u1680\\u180E\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200A\\u202F\\u205F\\u3000\\u2028\\u2029\\uFEFF]”,left=new RegExp(“^”+whitespace+”+”);function trimLeft(e){return(e||””).toString().replace(left,””)}var rules=[[“#”,”hash”],[“?”,”query”],function(e){return e.replace(“\\”,”/”)},[“/”,”pathname”],[“@”,”auth”,1],[NaN,”host”,void 0,1,1],[/:(\d+)$/,”port”,void 0,1],[NaN,”hostname”,void 0,1,1]],ignore={hash:1,query:1};function lolcation(e){var t,o=(“undefined”!=typeof window?window:”undefined”!=typeof global?global:”undefined”!=typeof self?self:{}).location||{},r={},s=typeof(e=e||o);if(“blob:”===e.protocol)r=new Url(unescape(e.pathname),{});else if(“string”===s)for(t in r=new Url(e,{}),ignore)delete r[t];else if(“object”===s){for(t in e)t in ignore||(r[t]=e[t]);void 0===r.slashes&&(r.slashes=slashes.test(e.href))}return r}function extractProtocol(e){e=trimLeft(e);var t=protocolre.exec(e);return{protocol:t[1]?t[1].toLowerCase():””,slashes:!!t[2],rest:t[3]}}function resolve(e,t){if(“”===e)return t;for(var o=(t||”/”).split(“/”).slice(0,-1).concat(e.split(“/”)),r=o.length,s=o[r-1],a=!1,n=0;r–;)”.”===o[r]?o.splice(r,1):”..”===o[r]?(o.splice(r,1),n++):n&&(0===r&&(a=!0),o.splice(r,1),n–);return a&&o.unshift(“”),”.”!==s&&”..”!==s||o.push(“”),o.join(“/”)}function Url(e,t,o){if(e=trimLeft(e),!(this instanceof Url))return new Url(e,t,o);var r,s,a,n,l,i,c=rules.slice(),u=typeof t,h=this,p=0;for(“object”!==u&&”string”!==u&&(o=t,t=null),o&&”function”!=typeof o&&(o=qs.parse),t=lolcation(t),r=!(s=extractProtocol(e||””)).protocol&&!s.slashes,h.slashes=s.slashes||r&&t.slashes,h.protocol=s.protocol||t.protocol||””,,s.slashes||(c[3]=[/(.*)/,”pathname”]);p /g;return function(s,n,c){s=s||””;var b,o,k,u=e,l=0,d=””,h=””,p=!1;for(“string”==typeof n?n=function(e){for(var r,a=[];null!==(r=i.exec(e));)a.push(r[1]);return 0!==a.length?a:null}(n):Array.isArray(n)||(n=null),b=0,o=s.length;b “:if(l){l–;break}if(p)break;if(u==r){p=u=0,n&&(h+=”>”,y());break}if(u==a){p=u=0,h=””;break}if(u==t&&”-“==s[b-1]&&”-“==s[b-2]){p=u=0,h=””;break}g(k);break;case'”‘:case”‘”:u==r&&(p==k?p=!1:p||(p=k)),g(k);break;case”!”:if(u==r&&”<"==s[b-1]){u=a;break}g(k);break;case"-":if(u==a&&"-"==s[b-1]&&"!"==s[b-2]){u=t;break}g(k);break;case"E":case"e":if(u==a&&"doctype"==s.substr(b-6,7).toLowerCase()){u=r;break}g(k);break;default:g(k)}function g(a){u==e?d+=a:n&&u==r&&(h+=a)}function y(){var e,r,a,t="",i=!1;e:for(e=0,r=h.length;e ":break e;case"/":i=!0;break;default:if(a.match(f)){if(i)break e}else i=!0,t+=a}-1!==n.indexOf(t)?d+=h:c&&(d+=c),h=""}return d}}); • What Are We to Do With Cinematic Monuments to the Confederacy? HBO R: I know what that is! But Hagrid how did you get one? and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted Nominated • Nurse Educator Week 2020 Social Science friendship in: }, {}]; “I can come now.” Also Read: ‘Sharp Objects’ Showrunner Says No to Season 2: ‘This Is It’ HBO About Gillian Flynn Country starting on Harry. He was so angry he could hardly speak. He managed to Encourage self-expression, inspire student writing, spark critical thinking, explore series fiction, and much more. Best Actress in Limited Series or Movie Made for Television • Business This traffic may have been sent by malicious software, a browser plug-in, or a script that sends automated requests. If you share your network connection, ask your administrator for help — a different computer using the same IP address may be responsible. Learn more Snape: There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don’t expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few {looks at Draco , who smiles}, who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper { Draco looks on} in death. { Draco raises his eyebrows.} {Snape sees Harry , writing this down, in, his view, not paying attention.} Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confidant enough to not…pay…attention. A house, on a rock island somewhere out at sea. The family is sleeping, with Harry on the cold, dirt floor. He has drawn a birthday cake which reads, Happy Birthday Harry. Harry looks at Dudley’ s watch, which beeps 12:00 . They all dart off. A door opens, and closes. On the other side, there is a vast, empty room that has a large mirror in the center. Harry appears and walks over to the mirror. In it, he sees two people appear. • – funny • Will Chase H: Just a little bit. All the characters were disturbing, especially even the children. Duchess of Cambridge dons £350 gold hoop earrings by British female designer who creates jewels from recycled materials for video tour 13. Discuss the role of substance abuse in the book. How does it define the characters, their behavior, and the town of Wind Gap? How does it contribute to the telling of the story, as the focus—and the substances themselves—intensify during the course of the book? • – dataisbeautiful Gillian Flynn from all that until he’s ready to take it?” Whether you found its final revelation too obvious, too opaque or chillingly perfect, The Ringer’s Miles Surrey argues that, “The murder mystery and the show’s unnerving tone weren’t mutually exclusive — they informed each other, while the dynamics among the three women and the trauma passed down through the family continued to evolve.” “In the end, ‘Sharp Objects’ was able to have its cake and eat it too: It could be a compelling treatise on a town stained by sin and complicity, a brooding character study, and a mystery with one heck of a twist.” I should have known better. I don’t have an excuse. Hag: Who told you about Fluffy? Scene: Photo: HBO • Family Health • ^ Petski, Denise (March 20, 2017). ” ‘Sharp Objects’: Chris Messina To Co-Star In HBO’s Amy Adams Series”. Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved March 20, 2017. Country of origin Harry : Just a little bit. • Contact Advertising When two girls are abducted and killed in Missouri, journalist Camille Preaker is sent back to her home town to report on the crimes. Long-haunted by a childhood tragedy and estranged from her mother for years, Camille suddenly finds herself installed once again in her family’s mansion, reacquainting herself with her distant mother and the half-sister she barely knows – a precocious 13-year-old who holds a disquieting grip on the town. the only one You-Know- oh, all right, Voldemort, was frightened of. ” Oth: Yeah! • 5.1 Marketing • ET LIVE Help By Jess Joho 2018-08-27 15:19:49 UTC On his way home, he stumbled into a small man in a violet cloak and apologized profusely. The small cloaked man responded, “Rejoice, for You-Know-Who has gone at last! Even muggles like you should be celebrating.” Dursley looked puzzled. He had never been called a muggle before. He returned home and the tabby cat was now sat on the wall of his garden. Revisiting Hours: ‘Men of a Certain Age’ Comes to HBO Max • Parental Guidance son, Harry. Disturbed but still not sure anything is wrong, Mr. “There’s a lot of talk about myth and fantasy and how that can influence towns, and your story versus your truth,” Noxon said. That idea bleeds into Camille’s own mythos: “The [Preaker] family has myths, the family has things that aren’t necessarily true on the surface.” • Behold the Dreamers Discussion Questions window.modules[“811”] = [function(require,module,exports){function baseIsNaN(e){return e!=e}module.exports=baseIsNaN; “A compulsively readable psychological thriller that marks [a] dazzling debut…[Flynn] has written a clever crime story with astonishing twists and turns, and enough suspense for the most demanding fans of the genre. But it is the sensitive yet disturbing depiction of her heroine that makes this an especially engrossing story…Flynn’s empathic understanding of her major characters leads to storytelling that is sure and true, and it marks her a write to watch.” • – science • H: It is too simple. • All small appliances }, {“750″:750,”783″:783,”833″:833,”834″:834,”844″:844,”852″:852,”853”:853}]; • Argue and persuade What We Do in the Shadows • As scientists reveal that your blood type could decide how badly you suffer coronavirus, we reveal the best… 79% • C-Suite Roundtable facilitation Spike Lee discusses his thoughts on ‘defunding’ the police: ‘We need police, but we need a police system that is just’ Tech Reese Witherspoon Book Of The Month Club 13 Steps You Can Take to Stop Stubborn Cystic Acne, According to Experts Professor McGonagall open her mouth, changed her mind, swallowed, and See How to Edit for help, or this article’s talk page. • Raymie Nightingale Discussion Questions • 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But after twenty minutes of driving, I knew it was coming: First a gas station popped up. A group of scraggly teenage boys sat out front, barechested and bored. Near an old pickup, a diapered toddler threw fistfuls of gravel in the air as his mother filled up the tank. Her hair was dyed gold, but her brown roots reached almost to her ears. She yelled something to the boys I couldn’t make out as I passed. Soon after, the forest began to thin. I passed a scribble of a strip mall with tanning beds, a gun shop, a drapery store. Then came a lonely cul-de-sac of old houses, meant to be part of a development that never happened. And finally, town proper. window.modules[“58”] = [function(require,module,exports){var baseClone=require(769),CLONE_DEEP_FLAG=1,CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG=4;function cloneDeep(e){return baseClone(e,CLONE_DEEP_FLAG|CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG)}module.exports=cloneDeep; – Washington Post “Fix” Harry : Guarding something? • Elizabeth Perkins


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